Nasa strategy

DronePort Rotterdam is focused on creating societal impact. The alignment with important international strategies is therefore essential. How do we align our ambition with the strategy of NASA?

  1. NASA emphasizes the importance of local and regional planning for Advanced Air Mobility (the non-European term for IAM). We, being strategically located at the convergence of a port, airport, and city, can serve as a model for how to integrate IAM into urban and regional transportation networks. By collaborating with local authorities and stakeholders, we contribute to the development of local and regional planning in urban environments.

  2. NASA focuses on community integration. DronePort Rotterdam can foster similar partnerships with local communities to ensure that IAM solutions are tailored to meet the specific needs and concerns of residents and businesses in the Rotterdam area. Part of the community integration are collaborative workshops, bringing together experts, policymakers, and industry leaders.  

  3. NASA highlights the development of safe and efficient infrastructure as on of the key considerations, such as vertiports and drone pads. We contribute to designing, testing, and implementing these infrastructures, ensuring they meet the highest safety standards.

  4. NASA focuses on integration an interoperability. DronePort researches the interoperability of systems, also for existing airspace users. This involves developing standards and protocols for data exchange, communication and navigation. 

  5. NASA finds knowledge sharing and Learning important. NASA highlights the 'Build, Explore and Learn' approach that is also in lign with our vision.  We can serve as a hub for knowledge dissemination, offering training programs, seminars, and resources to educate stakeholders about the latest developments, also for air traffic managagers and urban planners.