Connect port square

Connect port, city, airport and North Sea corridor

This project focuses on developing  IAM solutions that facilitate efficient, safe, and sustainable drone traffic between these points. By leveraging advanced technologies, the initiative aims to address challenges related to air traffic control, safety protocols, and regulatory compliance.

The ultimate goal is to establish a robust, scalable framework that can handle high-density, high-tempo drone operations, thereby revolutionizing logistics, emergency response, and public transportation. 

Working together on alternative energy sources for drones

We recognize the importance of sustainable and alternative energy sources for drones, including hydrogen. As the demand for drone services continues to grow, so does the need for cleaner and more efficient energy solutions. We will investigate whether hydrogen as an alternative energy source is of added value for our drone proposition.

We are actively working with industry partners, researchers, and policymakers to explore and develop (hydrogen}-powered drone solutions. Our efforts include conducting pilot projects, testing new technologies, and sharing knowledge and best practices. Hopefully, contributing to a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly future for the drone industry.


Drone energy sources square
Landing siyes drone

Researching & developing optimal landing sites in an  urban environment

We are going to research and develop optimal landing sites, drone pads, and vertiports in a built environment. As the demand for drone services continues to grow, the need for safe and efficient landing infrastructure becomes increasingly important. With our partners we design and implement landing sites that are optimized for safety, efficiency, and integration into the existing urban landscape.

Our project include conducting feasibility studies, testing new technologies, and developing best practices for landing site design and operation. We are also exploring innovative solutions such as modular drone pads and vertiports that can be easily deployed and adapted to different urban settings. The goal is to create a seamless and integrated drone infrastructure that supports the growth of the drone industry while minimizing the impact on the built environment.


We understand the importance of robust governance for both the digital and physical infrastructure in the IAM ecosystem and the need for a comprehensive governance framework that addresses connectivity, Identity of Things (IoT) schemes, and the governance of vertiports/drone pads.

We are contributing to the development of these governance standards that ensure safe, efficient, and sustainable operation of the uncrewed vehicles. Our efforts include establishing best practices for connectivity, ensuring reliable and secure data transmission between drones, between different networks and ground control stations. We are also working on the development of an IoT scheme that provides an identity for each drone, enabling efficient tracking and management of drone operations. Second, this IoT scheme will also include other relevant IoT devices like weather sensors, air quality monitors and traffic management sensors...

Governance droneport square
Drone teach

Focus on IAM education and Workforce of the future

We provide thought leadership as in how the workforce will change the coming years related to the development of Innovative Urban  (Air) Mobility, including the impact of digitization and automation. As the drone industry continues to evolve, there is a growing need for skilled professionals who can navigate the complexities of this new technology. DronePort aims to address this need by adopting a skills-based approach to education and training.

Our focus is on developing practical skills and competencies that are directly relevant to the IAM industry. We want to design and deliver training programs that are aligned with the needs of the industry, while at the same time suitable for the students and professionals following the studies. In addition to technical skills, we also emphasize the importance of soft skills such as problem-solving, communication, and teamwork. We believe that a well-rounded skill set is essential for success in the IAM industry!

 Counter UAS in an urban environment

We are actively working on Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) solutions, particularly in an urban environment. In collaboration with the Rotterdam-Rijnmond Security Region and other stakeholders, we are developing strategies and technologies to detect, track, and mitigate unauthorized drone activities. Urban areas present unique challenges for C-UAS due to the high density of buildings, infrastructure, and people. Our approach focuses on ensuring the safety and security of the urban airspace while minimizing disruptions to legitimate drone operations.

Counter uas square

Autonomous Innovation, Uncrewed TRANSFORMATION

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